Animal Control and Lost Pets
Animal Control
St. Bernard Parish Animal Control
Call for emergencies and strays in St. Bernard Parish
(504) 278-1534
Orleans Parish Animal Cruelty Complaints
Fill out this form for reporting animal cruelty in Orleans Parish.
Humane Society of Louisiana
Investigates animal cruelty in the state of Louisiana. File a complaint with this form
Jefferson Parish Animal Control
Call for emergencies and strays in Jefferson Parish
(504) 349-5111
Jefferson SPCA
Call for general concerns in Jefferson Parish
(504) 733-5878
The Inner Pup 911
Not sure who to contact?
Email us: TIP911@theinnerpup.org
Local Lost & Found Pets
Facebook Page
Click Here for pets listed on the lost and found of Facebook.
Click Here for lost and found pets on NextDoor neighborhood site.
“The Inner Pup are our Angels on Earth. Some of us only have our furbabies and the family happiness they bring...without you, I know I couldn’t afford to keep them.”