Starting March 13th, Storefronts will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 AM to 5 PM and closed from 12:30 - 1 PM for a lunch break. See you then!
Storefronts are held at the same time and same location each week. Join us to chat with TIP, ask questions, get more information about our services, or grab some pet supplies!
We will continue to host our curbside HW prevention clinics open to New and Existing clients where we offer heartworm tests and ProHeart injections.
Monthly heartworm prevention for existing clients is available at Storefronts and vouchers are available for new and existing clients.
Final Wednesday Storefront Clinic
March 12, 2025
2nd Wednesday of the month*
5 - 6 pm
New Orleans Healing Center
2372 St. Claude Avenue, Ste. 254
New Orleans, LA 70117
*Due to Ash Wednesday
Next Date:
Starting March 13th, Storefronts will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 AM to 5 PM and closed from 12:30 - 1 PM for a lunch break. See you then!
Storefront Reminders for Purchasing Imoxi
Monthly Prevention
Our monthly prevention option is Imoxi, which is a topical, combination heartworm and flea prevention. Imoxi is applied on a dog’s back, once a month. Click here for application video.
Dog must be HW negative
Each dog must have a negative heartworm test conducted within the last 24 months.
Dog must be due for HW prevention
TIP cannot provide medication more than one month before your pet is due for more. If you purchase medication before your pet is due, it could expire before you can use all of it.
The Cost
3-months of Imoxi ($15)
6-months of Imoxi ($30)
Dog must be an existing client
Each dog must have attended a TIP clinic before. New dogs must attend a curbside clinics or use the heartworm testing option below!
No stand alone flea meds
We do not sell stand alone flea prevention - Imoxi prevention includes both heartworm and flea prevention.
Testing at NOLA Animal Clinic!
In order to use our storefront clinics, dogs must have a negative heartworm test conducted with TIP in the past 24 months. Dogs can be tested at TIP’s curbside clinics and now they can also go to our partners at NOLA Animal Clinic!
Starting in July 2023, new and existing clients can pick up a voucher at any storefront clinic good for a discounted $15 heartworm test at NOLA Animal Clinic.
Vouchers can be used Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 2 PM and Saturday, 9 AM - 12 PM at NOLA Animal Clinic in New Orleans East. You will receive your completed test results, which you will need to save and bring to The Inner Pup, so that you can attend future storefront and curbside clinics as an existing client.
If you aren’t sure if you have a current heartworm test with The Inner Pup, you can email us at info@theinnerpup.org to find out.