Think cool for your pets

The scorching sun and rising temperatures make life uncomfortable for our beloved four-leggeds. Here are some engaging ways to keep your cats and dogs cool.

Frozen Treats Delight – Who doesn't love a hydrating icy treat on a sweltering day? Create cooling popsicles for your pets by freezing low-sodium chicken or beef broth in ice cube trays or paper cups. Pop one or two of these savory treats into their water bowl or let them enjoy licking the icy goodness.

Cooling Bandanas - Take a bandana and soak it in water, and then put in the freezer for a few minutes. As the ice evaporates, it will provide a cooling effect.

Shady Retreats - Set up a cozy outdoor shelter using everyday items. Hang an old bed sheet or tarp over a couple of chairs or posts to create a shady oasis. This will give your pets a cool spot to relax outdoors without exposure to direct sunlight.

Splash Play - Make water playtime extra enjoyable! Set up a shallow kiddie pool in your yard.

Yep, Ceramic Tiles - Place ceramic tiles in the refrigerator for a while and then lay them out on your floor. Cats and dogs often seek out cool surfaces to rest on, and these chilled tiles provide instant relief for warm paws.

Damp Towel Compress - Soak a cloth or towel in cold water, wring it out, and gently drape it over your pet's back. This acts as a natural evaporative cooler and can provide immediate comfort.

Chill Out with Chilly Toys - Interactive chill toys! These toys are designed to be soaked in water and then frozen, creating a cool and refreshing play. From ice-cube-shaped toys to freeze-and-fetch frisbees, these chilly companions will keep your pets entertained and cool for hours.

Paw-Activated Fountain - Turn hydration into a game with a paw-activated water fountain. These clever devices respond to your pet's touch by releasing a stream of water. Whether it's curiosity or a playful tap, this interactive fountain encourages your pets to stay hydrated while having a splashing good time.

Frozen Puzzle Feeders - These clever products challenge your pets to solve puzzles to access their food. Freeze wet pet food or broth inside, and your pets will have a blast figuring out how to get to their tasty treats while staying cool in the process.


Weathering the storm