Enriching your dog’s life

Life would be boring if we did the same thing every day, meaning we stayed home, ate the same meal repeatedly, and didn't get to experience the big, wide, wonderful world. Here are some ways you can enrich your own life while you add fun to your dog's life

  • Teach him a trick. Not the usual commands like sit, and down, that's too easy. Be creative!

  • Take your dog on a "sniffari."That's an adventure walk where he gets to sniff everything from garbage to cat food

  • Play hide-and-seek with your dog. Just hide somewhere your dog can find you unless you want to spend the whole day looking for each other

  • Have a hunt. Hide treats or toys around the house or backyard and encourage your dog to find them.

  • Make homemade dog treats. It's a guarantee he will stay by your side while you cook.

  • Arrange a playdate with another dog or a friendly neighborhood cat

  • Give your dog a massage. It's a great way to relax and bond with your furry friend. If you expect a massage in return, that's wishful thinking.

  • Take your dog on a hike. Make sure to bring plenty of water and snacks for both of you.

  • Take him on a walk in a different park or neighborhood, at a different time of the day Everyone appreciates a change of routine.

  • Take him swimming, expect him to win in a race across the pool

  • Let him help you garden, be prepared for him to dig to China

  • Teach your dog to do yoga. You will both stay zen and flexible

  • Take your dog to an outdoor restaurant. He will love the leftovers

  • Give your dog a makeover or a new hairdo if he's the kind of pup who loves this kind of attention

  • Take him for a car ride if he's not the sick car type. Leave the windows down a bit so you both can enjoy the breeze

Once you realize your pup is happier with you than without you, it will be easy to think of many ways to enjoy each other's company.


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