Socialization - what does that mean?

Socialization is a misunderstood word that we throw around in the dog world and we are here to help clear it up!

The idea behind socialization is that you want to help your puppy become acclimated to the world using all of their senses --- including sights, sounds, and smells, tactile, etc. This means in both interactions as well as desensitization and letting our pups get comfortable with the people-world and culture they are born into! Prime socialization periods for puppies is 6-12 weeks. Socialization can also occur outside of this time period. By properly socializing, we create dogs that are well equipped to live in our human world and become confident adults; this is our huge responsibility

One of TIP's favorite socialization tools is taking your dog or puppy to the park on a blanket for an hour or so, until they settle down, 1-2x/week, to begin. This teaches them about the world around them, they can smell, see, hear the world, all from the safety of a blanket. You'll want to bring toys to play with them with and a chew bone is a great idea too, once they settle down. It's a wonderful experience for them to see life and also see dogs pass by and not interact with anything but themselves, their toys, and you! This teaches them that part of life on this earth means seeing dogs and people, and discriminating that sometimes it is time to interact and other times, we just keep calm and let the world turn.

If you are looking for more help with socialization, or training in general, TIP offers a training grant voucher program, for you and your pet to continue building a better bond! To learn more or apply, visit here.


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